Welcome to the blog of the READ research group

Welcome to the blog of the Reaction Engineering & Adsorption (READ) Research Group.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Professor Dr. Bassim H. Hameed is the most cited researcher from Universiti Sains Malaysia

According to a recent report by ResearchGate, a social networking site for scientists and researchers, Prof. Dr. Bassim H. Hameed has been reported as the most highly cited researcher from the Universiti Sains Malaysia in March 2016. To date, Prof. Bassim has published more than 215 articles in ISI-indexed journals. His publications have been cited more than 12,560 times (Scopus database) and 38 of his articles were cited more than 100 times each. He has an author h-index of 60, and an i10-index of 162.