Welcome to the blog of the READ research group

Welcome to the blog of the Reaction Engineering & Adsorption (READ) Research Group.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Our article has been reported as the most cited publication from the Universiti Sains Malaysia!

Congratulations! According to a recent report by ResearchGate, a social networking site for scientists and researchers, our article entitled “Insights into Modeling ofAdsorption Isotherm Systems” published in Chemical Engineering Journal has been reported as the most cited publication from the Universiti Sains Malaysia in March 2016. The article has been cited more than 890 times since its publications in 2010. 

K.Y. Foo, B.H. Hameed, (2010) Insights into Modeling of Adsorption Isotherm Systems, ChemicalEngineering Journal, 156, 2-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2009.09.013.