Welcome to the blog of the READ research group

Welcome to the blog of the Reaction Engineering & Adsorption (READ) Research Group.

Lab Facilities


1. High-Pressure Stirred Reactor
2. Hydrothermal Reactors
3. Catalytic Pyrolysis Reactor
4. Fast Pyrolysis Reactor
5. Microwave Reactor
6. Photocatalytic Reactor
7. Monolithic Reactor

Experimental Setups:

1- Preparation of activated carbons
2. Preparation of chars
3. Fixed-bed adsorption of carbon dioxide
4. Catalytic fast pyrolysis of agricultural residues
4. Pyrolysis of  agricultural residues
5. Adsorption of water pollutants in batch and continuous systems 
6. Catalytic Cracking 

Analytical Facilities

           UV-Vis Spectrophotometer          Gas Chromatogrph (FID)

                    HPLC                         Total Organic Carbon Analyzer

      UV-Vis Spectrophotometer