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Welcome to the blog of the Reaction Engineering & Adsorption (READ) Research Group.

Monday, 8 January 2018

Congratulations to Dr. Patrick on his convocation

Congratulations to Patrick on his convocation

Congratulations to Dr. okoye ugochukwu on his convocation. Patrick is Reaction and Adsorption Engineering group member (READ) at the School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). He worked under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Bassim H. Hameed on “the development and characterization of reusable heterogeneous catalysts for glycerol upgrading to fine chemicals”. In recognition of his research skills, he was awarded the prestigious USM fellowship during his study. Dr. Patrick showed a great diligence and extensive knowledge capacity related to his field of research. Thus, he published over five articles in top ISI-indexed journals within 2.5 years of his Ph.D. study. His thesis was nominated for Universiti Sains Malaysia best thesis award from School of Chemical Engineering.  

List of Publications: 

  1. P.U. Okoye, A.Z. Abdullah, B.H. Hameed, A review on recent developments and progress in the kinetics and deactivation of catalytic acetylation of glycerol—A byproduct of biodiesel, Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev. 74 (2017) 387-401.
  2. P.U. Okoye, A.Z. Abdullah, B.H. Hameed, Stabilized ladle furnace steel slag for glycerol carbonate synthesis via glycerol transesterification reaction with dimethyl carbonate, Energy Convers. Manage. 133 (2017) 477-485.
  3. P.U. Okoye, A.Z. Abdullah, B.H. Hameed, Synthesis of oxygenated fuel additives via glycerol esterification with acetic acid over bio-derived carbon catalyst, Fuel 209 (2017) 538-544.
  4. P.U. Okoye, A.Z. Abdullah, B.H. Hameed, Glycerol carbonate synthesis from glycerol and dimethyl carbonate using trisodium phosphate, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Eng. 67 (2016) 235-243.
  5. P.U. Okoye, B.H. Hameed, Review on recent progress in catalytic carboxylation and acetylation of glycerol as a byproduct of biodiesel production, Renew. Sustainable Energy Rev. 53 (2016) 558-574.