Welcome to the blog of the READ research group

Welcome to the blog of the Reaction Engineering & Adsorption (READ) Research Group.

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Recent Published Article

Recent Published Article 


Co-pyrolysis of biomass with plastics and coal, for the production of bio-oils is reviewed.
The progress of catalytic co-pyrolysis on upgrading of biomass-derived bio-oils is introduced.
The reaction mechanism between biomass and plastic in catalytic co-pyrolysis is described.
The functions of various acidic catalysts towards enhancement of bio-oil are addressed.


Co-pyrolysis of biomass with abundantly available materials could be an economical method for production of bio-fuels. However, elimination of oxygenated compounds poses a considerable challenge. Catalytic co-pyrolysis is another potential technique for upgrading bio-oils for application as liquid fuels in standard engines. This technique promotes the production of high-quality bio-oil through acid catalyzed reduction of oxygenated compounds and mutagenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons. This work aims to review and summarize research progress on co-pyrolysis and catalytic co-pyrolysis, as well as their benefits on enhancement of bio-oils derived from biomass. This review focuses on the potential of plastic wastes and coal materials as co-feed in co-pyrolysis to produce valuable liquid fuel. This paper also proposes future directions for using this technique to obtain high yields of bio-oils.

Saturday, 25 March 2017

New Published article

New Published article


The past decade has seen a boom in environmental adsorption studies on the adsorptive removal of pollutants from the aqueous phase. A large majority of works treat kinetic modeling as a mere routine to describe the macroscopic trend of adsorptive uptake by using common models, often without careful appraisal of the characteristics and validity of the models. This review compiles common kinetic models and discusses their origins, features, modified versions (if any), and applicability with regard to liquid adsorption modeling for both batch adsorption and dynamic adsorption systems. Indiscriminate applications, ambiguities, and controversies are highlighted and clarified. The appropriateness of linear regression for correlating kinetic data is discussed. This review concludes with a note on the current scenario and the future of kinetics modeling of liquid adsorption.

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Professor Dr. Bassim H. Hameed's Profile on Mendeley

PhD Student Ali Lawan Yaumi Won Universiti Sains Malaysia Fellowship


PhD Student Ali Lawan Yaumi Won Universiti Sains Malaysia Fellowship

The ReactionEngineering and Adsorption (READ) Research Group, School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia is pleased to congratulate PhD Student Ali Lawan Yaumi on being awarded with a prestigious Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Fellowship. Ali is currently working on the development of hybrid nanoporous composite adsorbents for carbon dioxide capture.

Prof. Dr. Bassim H Hameed and Ali Lawan Yaumi

Our Latest Publication

Our Latest Publication:

A.L. Yaumi, M.Z. Abu Bakar, B.H. Hameed, Recent advances infunctionalized composite solid materials for carbon dioxide capture, Energy (Elsevier), 124 (2017) 461–480.

Most read author from School of Chemical Engineering!

Friday, 17 March 2017

Professor Dr. Bassim H. Hameed's Scopus Profile

Date: 17th March 2017 

Professor Dr. Bassim H. Hameed's Google Scholar Citations

Our latest publications

N. Nasuha, b, S. Ismail, B.H. Hameed, Activated electric arc furnace slag as an effective and reusable Fenton-like catalyst for the photodegradation of methylene blue and acid blue 29, Journal ofEnvironmental Management, 196 (2017) 323–329. (Journal Impact Factor 3.131)

Professor Dr. Bassim H. Hameed  has been selected as recipient of the prestigious Malaysia's Rising Star Award 2016 

Professor Dr. Bassim H. Hameed, School ofChemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia has been selected as recipient of the prestigious Malaysia's Rising Star Award 2016 for being Malaysia's Highly-Cited Researchers Named Amongst the World's Most Influential Scientific Minds 2015.